Residential Workshops
- 2 Residential Workshops per annuum Feature-Film Projects per Workshop
- 3 Script Consultants
- 9 Feature-Film Projects per Workshop
- Up to 1 Co-Writer per Project
– board and lodging fee only - Producers are encouraged to attend at any time
– board and lodging fee only - Up to 3 Participants without a Project may participate in the workshop as trainee story editors
– this is designed especially for development executives, creative producers and anyone working with writers
Projects will be accepted for residential workshops at any stage of development. Anything from the barebones of an idea to first draft. Our inclination is that advanced projects may sometimes find greater benefit in conventional one-on-one consultancy, but where deep cleansing of the first draft is wanted, then residential workshop participation definitely has a proven track record.
Each Residential Workshop requires 7 full working days in situ. Travel days are extra.
The purpose of Residential Workshops is to create a dynamic around each project while placing increasing emphasis on individual, one-on-one consultancy sessions as the week progresses.
For this reason, the process tends to start with one collective session. In-depth individual work then kicks in and occupies the greater part of our time together.
We believe that at least one initial Residential Workshop is advisable to set up the basis for a sound consultancy process. It is then up to filmmakers whether they wish to pursue the process through further residencies, or whether they prefer to engage in our Follow-Up Service.
However, it is not uncommon for the “Follow-Up” session to precede a residency. The best way of proceeding will vary from one project to the next. Flexibility is the name of the game.
Next workshop :
May 14-22 2025 (including travel days)
If you’d like to attend the workshop, please register here.